How to Donate

Westmount Congregation gratefully accepts donations. Please see below for details on how to donate online or by mail.

Donate using e-Transfer

(preferred method for online donations)
Please read the following carefully before submitting your donations:

  • E-transfers are gratefully accepted at:
  • If you are a member of Westmount Congregation your donations will be included in your annual tax receipt. Additionally, please include the following in the e-transfer COMMENT section:
    • Envelope number (if you have one) i.e. E23
    • Indicate how you would like your donation disbursed. Please see below for suggested short forms:
      • G for General
      • MO for Mission and Outreach
      • A donation that is received without an allocation request will automatically be deposited into the General Fund.
  • If you are a friend of Westmount Congregation but not a member of the church and would like to receive a tax receipt please send a separate email to with the following information:
    • Full Name
    • Mailing Address
    • Confirmation of successful e-transfer.

Donate by Mail

Make your cheque payable to Westmount Congregation and mail it to:
23 Westmount Drive South, Orillia ON L3V 6C8

Thank you for contributing to God's work in our community and the world through Westmount Congregation.

If you have any questions or concerns please email us at or through our Contact Us link.

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