Minister’s Welcome

Rev. Tony

Welcome to Westmount Congregation

On Sunday we celebrate God’s grace and truth in music, prayer, and the Word. We seek to be encouraged by Christ’s gospel of love so that we might follow Jesus out of the church doors and into the street! Join us and share our friendship with God through Christ at worship, our wide variety of ministries and our care for one another.

Reverend Tony Rennett

Welcome to our web site.
Enjoy exploring it and see you someday at the church.

Our Mission Statement:

We are a growing family serving Christ.

Who We Are

    • Bible believing and Spirit filled (Acts 13:52, Acts 1:8)

    • Loving and supportive congregation made up of all ages
    • Pray, worship, learn, play, serve our community and each other as we learn about the Good News and how to share it with others
    • Excited and optimistic as we learn together to become more “Christ-centered”
    • Growing in numbers and growing in faith through many opportunities to study God’s Word and fellowship together as we discover God’s perfect will for our lives

Available Services

(Please contact us)
    • Confirmation
    • Weddings
    • Funerals
    • Baptism
    • Visit from the Minister
    • Hospital Visits
    • Communion at Home
    • Prayer Request
    • Membership Transfer

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